
June 20, 2011


One of the things I am really interested in with sewing is known as refashioning or upcycling.  These might actually be two different terms but if so, I have no idea what the difference is so I just use them interchangeably.

At anyrate the terms refer to taking something that you already have or something you buy really cheap and making it new or different.  You can do this with any belonging but in my case I am interested in doing this with clothes.  I do NOT aspire to be any sort of designer or to even make my own clothes, I just like playing around.

So, here is a new creation - t-shirt with a refashioned neckline.  To accomplish this I bought two of the same shirt from Target's 75% off clearance rack.  They were probably $3/each so for $6 here is what I made.

