
January 14, 2011

52 Weeks of Organizing: Week 2

Just as a reminder, this post is part of Org Junkie's 52 Weeks of Organizing 2011 challenge and everyone else is really on Week 2 of the challenge while I'm just starting so really this is m Week 1 but I guess so that there is no confusion between my posts and Org Junkie's I will call this Week 2 and there just won't be a Week 1 for me.

So, if you are still with me after that boring clarification I'm ready to show you my Week 2 organizational success!  I chose this week to de-clutter and re-organize the bathroom cabinet that is in the baby's bathroom.



Next week's project will be organizing all of the homemade babyfood that I've made this week and planning a menu for how I'm going to use it!

1 comment:

  1. I started this week too! Good luck on accomplishing what you want to!
